
I can say with utmost certainty that robotics has always been my passion. When it came to deciding what to cut out of my jam-packed weeks bursting with a myriad of activities, terminating robotics was never even a consideration. Something about the team of amazing people I get to see each week and the spectacular things we accomplish drew me in eight years ago and has kept me captivated since. Even at an early age, I knew I was a mechanical thinker. I received my first LEGO set when I was two or three, and everything just clicked. I could sit alone in our LEGO room (which slowly grew to accommodate a gargantuan collection of parts and sets) for hours and just build. Take apart this, rebuild it this way, take it apart again, build a car, maybe even a plane this time. I loved doing things haptically, whether it be constructing a new concept or deconstructing to see how things worked. Robotics allowed me to manifest this “ability” of mine, if you will, and consequently I’ve always been a builder on the team. In more recent years, I’ve also undertaken the role of being a driver, something that I’ve found to be equally gratifying and reflecting a similar skill set.
But enough of the same old boring stuff. Apart from robotics, I’m part of a swim team, and I play the viola, which I’ve done for 5 years and 4 years, respectively. Both of these I’m also quite passionate about. I swim everyday for around 2 hours, and sometimes you can catch me wooing women with my godlike and sensuous viola playing. Needless to say, I’m always the guy cracking jokes in practice to lighten the mood (and annoy my teammates), and I constantly appreciate a good laugh.