W.A.S.A.B.I has expanded into five VEX IQ teams led by Ally. Scroll to find more!
W.A.S.A.B.I 1492A
W.A.S.A.B.I 1492B
W.A.S.A.B.I 1492C
W.A.S.A.B.I 1492D
W.A.S.A.B.I 1492E
Our VEX IQ Robots
We are so proud of our VEX IQ teams led by Ally from Big Brains Academy. They have won countless awards and have fed numbers of kids into great careers and studies in STEM.
Based on Kits
VEX IQ Robots are built form kits that can be bought from VEX.
There are a myriad of VEX IQ competitions in the greater Puget Sound area.
Promotes greater STEM Awareness
VEX IQ has pushed kids into considering fields of study they have not before. Read the testimonials!